Your Training Plan Failed? Here’s How You Can Fix It.

Employee training is often seen as the ‘heart of the success’ of your company. People think the HRD team simply provides as many development programs as possible. If that’s how you feel about training, you might be approaching it wrong. Giving your staff countless training may seem good at first, but does it actually help?
The problem is, many HRD staff think they can develop any program despite having no idea what to consider.
Where does that lead to? Ineffectiveness.
Working in HRD, we need to acknowledge that employee development is impossible to avoid. But you want to make sure that training is effective, relevant and applicable. Well it can be, but only if it’s done right.
Let’s look into the key ingredients all training needs:
Set a clear objective.
SMART. Anyone can make new programs, but make sure your goals follow these rules: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timed.
What you should do to make such an objective?
Engage your staff.
Listen to them. A way to set goals for your training sessions is by directly asking them. And then apply active listening. It is only from your people that you will get new insights about them, from their challenges, concerns, even opportunities which have not been identified.
Involve your staff.
Include them. You must put much effort in getting your staff (or staff representative) involved in the process of brainstorming ideas, and even in the decision making. This may take time. But a truly great human resource leader is one that is able to both guide and implement a bottom-top style of communication.
Be open to changes.
Supporting your employees in today’s information era, you need to be flexible, innovative, and adapt to their busy schedule. Take advantage of the power of technology. You can allow them to learn remotely, for example. You can offer them the ability to join an online training program that is specific to their needs as well as learning time.
Let them apply micro learning.
Micro learning is the ability to acquire compact knowledge and skills when they need it most. It is more focused and applicable. Embedding them with different lessons may sound like a good move, but here’s the downside: they can’t focus. Instead, you can let them choose the trainings they demand for their job-related tasks.
Categorizing the plans in terms of its urgency ensures more focus for your employees. Plus, it is easier for you to allocate the resources. Breaking down the plans into small sections and their timetable helps them to decide what needs more attention.
When stuck, hire the right in-house training.
Designing the right training is a crucial step toward making your project succeed. However, it is not a surprise if some of us fail due to the poor understanding of planning itself.
Or, you can try the strategy of letting a third party supply it for you. This one is for when you really trust them. Ask yourself, “Why do I need one? What benefits will my staff take? Do they offer a customized program? How can I monitor the progress? Do they give evaluation and report?”

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