What makes a good presentation?

Without exception, all good presenters have one thing in common, enthusiasm, both for their subject and for the business of presenting it.

Enthusiasm is infectious. Audiences can’t help but be affected by it and the best public speakers always make what they say sound as if it really matters. They know that if it matters to them, it will matter to their audience.

Many things contribute to the success of a presentation – new and unusual content, a clear structure, a good sense of timing, imaginative use of visual aids, the ability to make people laugh and think., but above all of these is enthusiasm. What kind of language and what kind of techniques will best show your enthusiasm for your subject?

‘Presenting in English’ analyzes what makes a speaker sound dynamic and enthusiastic. It identi es the key skills employed by all effective presenters.

The basics of introducing your topic, structuring your talk and referring
to visual aids are all dealt with in Sections l and 2 of the program. The remainder focuses on ‘Voice and Delivery As a Presenter’, the ability to pace your speech and use your voice to create impact is the single most important skill you need. You will be more effective if you are in control of your voice by your use of stress, pausing, intonation, volume, and silence.

Content Language: You can’t give a good presentation unless you have something to say. Being con dent about your content is crucial. Presenting in English helps you to identify and organize all the key words and phrases you are likely to need and teaches you how to make simple visuals that work
for you.

Rhetorical Technique: Once you are in charge of both your voice and your content you can start to think about how best to present your subject. Sections 4 and 5 teach you the techniques successful speakers use automatically. Choose the techniques that suit you best and work on perfecting them.

Question Handling: Handling Perhaps the most unpredictable part of a presentation is the question session. This may be after your talk or you may invite questions during it. Section 7 systematically teaches you how to eld different types of question and deal effectively with the subjects your audience may raise.

Presenting in English Syllabus

“There are always three speeches for every one you actually gave. The one you practiced, the one you gave, and the one you wish you gave.“ – Dale Carnegie

We all want to give interesting, effective and memorable presentations. Your main objective as a presenter is to deliver a message. Your presentation is your pitch. To deliver that pitch perfectly, you need to borrow from a variety of elds; psychology, art & design, IT, politics and of course your own domain which is the subject of the presentation.

To deliver a great presentation you must use all of these domains, which means you must master the following:

  1. Understand the psychology of your audience and prepare your message accordingly to appeal to their emotions and get maximum results.
  2. Create a “wow” factor by using the latest IT tools and technology to put your ideas together and organize your content.
  3. Appeal to the artistic side of your audience and design your presentation to look professional.
  4. Deliver with con dence to show that you understand your own content and appear convincing.
  5. Leave a long lasting positive effect on your audience so that they would never forget your message.

This course covers all of the above areas by using a variety of interactive and practical exercises which prepare the delegates for their ultimate presentation.

This course explores the latest methodologies used in delivering presentations. In our experience, there are two types of delegates:

• Inexperienced or New. This course teaches the delegates how to gather their content, how to make their slides (if any are needed), how to deliver and how to make their message stand out from others.

• With Experience. Experienced presenters suffer from bad habits which are accumulated over time. This course helps these delegates to master new and up-to-date skills through hands on exercises so that they can better leverage their experience and present to the best of their abilities.

The course focuses on the latest practices in presentation skills, especially within business environments.

Much has changed in recent years and the ever increasing range of feature-rich presentation tools can cause presenters to be found guilty of feature overuse.

To address these issues, the course covers a set of best design practices so delegates know what to avoid during the preparation and delivery of
their presentations.

It is established that the best way to learn is by example. Many visual examples of good and bad content are provided which will help the delegates to quickly understand what works and what doesn’t.