Private English Teacher in Jakarta

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Do you need a private English teacher in Jakarta? Joe has been teaching English in Asia for 8 years. He comes with a lot of experience including teaching at the Royal University of Phnom Penh in Cambodia and also at the Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University in Thailand (where he taught intensive IELTS preparation courses). He has taught a lot of Business English and his teaching experience includes such companies and government bodies as Nestle, Marui Sum, 7/11, Hutch 3, Thai Tourist Police, UNICEF and others.
He also has experience with high school students as part of his university contract in Thailand where he was instrumental in organizing a rural English education program with the local high schools. Is you need a private English teacher in Jakarta then Joe is one of the best.
Nationality: Australian
  • Qualified teacher of Business English
  • Qualified teacher of IELTS preparation
  • Formal and informal writing
  • TEFL Certificate by Talk & Talk Academy, Bangkok – Thailand
  • Bachelor Degree of English Literature Study by Centrebury University (3.5 Hons) New Zealand
  • Teacher Excellency Certificate by Wallstreet Institute, Jakarta –Indonesia


Q : What kind of teaching technique do you think the most effective way to motivate students skill in speaking?
A : The easiest way to motivate maximum speaking in English is to get students to discuss what they are interested in. I usually start my lessons with a series of questions that will illicit topics I can target for the rest of the lesson. No two students are identical and so it is natural that the topics that will be discussed from class to class and even from student to student will be very differen
Q : What are the obstacles that you often face while you are teaching English?
A : What I have noticed is that all obstacles stem from either a student being very shy (usually a fear of looking or sounding silly) or a student having had a negative experience learning English in the past. The most disinterested student, the most unruly character in the classroom is usually someone who has been made to feel uncomfortable and who still carries the fear of that experience to the present. I have found that the best way to change such a character is to provide reassurance, praise and most of all to build confidence. I have yet to see this technique fail. In Thailand I taught at a high school specialized in troubled teenagers (problems with the law and/or substance abuse) and I have seen students change from troubled and angry to interested and confident.
Q: What do you like about your students?
A : For me it is an honor to be accepted as a teacher. I have a lot of respect for teaching as a profession and I feel it is my duty to give my students the very best I can. Their acceptance of me as their guide through this complicated and crazy thing called English ensures my complete commitment to each and all of them. I don’t have favorite students, instead I prefer to connect with each and every personality that sits in front of me and accepts me as their teacher. I have yet to encounter a student I did not like.
Q: What do you do to stimulate students’ creativity while they’re participating in an English class
A : People learn in different ways and the biggest mistake made in traditional teaching is that it assumes that all students learn the same way. Some people are creative while others are logical, some people respond better to individual work while others love being part of a team. My aim in the classroom is to leave nobody out and I do this by giving students interesting challenges to complete, role plays centered around real topics, fun games that fire up their competitive spirit and even drawing (yes drawing) to get that right-side of the brain also involved in the learning process.
If you need a private English teacher in Jakarta contact English Today Jakarta to find out how we can help you.
Private English Teacher in Jakarta.
Other articles from our teachers
Private English Teacher in Jakarta
Read another interview with Anthony in the post titled Teaching English in Jakarta