English Training in Jakarta

English Training in Jakarta

Corporate English training for Executives in Jakarta must now go beyond just teaching staff how to speak in English. Think about it; what do all great companies have in common? One thing is a customer focused culture. If you walked around Jakarta and asked companies what their customer focus culture is like most would no doubt answer: “yeah we are doing quite well, we are very customer aware.” The truth however is that some are satisfactory, many companies are doing okay and some are not doing well at all. The reality is that only a few are providing an excellent customer service culture. How is your company doing?

What sets outstanding companies apart from the rest? What do these companies all have in common that leads them to the top of the customer focus culture pyramid? Outstanding companies all live and breathe customer service, from the CEO all the way to the front line staff there is the same understanding of what amazing customer service looks like.

Now it may just be tempting to just look at one of the great companies and copy their culture. There is certainly a lot of information out there; there are books and DVD’s, motivational materials of all types and colours and even magazine articles that try to explain what excellent customer service is. All of these materials are great but they miss the point that the real magic happens when you create your very own customer focus culture.

At English Today Jakarta we teach you the steps that will allow a customer focused culture to naturally grow in your company. We don’t believe that your company should be the clone of other companies, we want you to realise the magic in your own company and how you can make it work.

The first element we teach you is how to develop Clear Direction. It’s probably easier to give you an example and then explain what it’s all about. Stop for a moment and think about all of the things you would take with you on a long road trip. See how many items you can come up with in just one minute. Go on try it, it will be fun.

So, have you done it? Have you got your list? How many items did you come up? Five, ten or maybe even more than fifteen? Well done! But how many of you, before you even started listing all of the items, asked where you were going? So, where are you going? It’s an essential question to ask before embarking on any journey and a company that does not know its direction will eventually get lost.

From a customer service point of view Clear Direction means that we all agree on what excellent customer service looks like. Let’s use three standards by which we can all judge superior customer service.

1- Clear and easily understood. This means that everyone in your company must have the same opinion and the same understanding of what excellent customer service feels like.

2- Focus on your customers. This sounds so obvious and yet it is often the one that’s missing when we observe how companies treat their customers. This is customer service after all so things like

profitability and being the greatest are okay for the company morale but it excludes the customer. If your company is excluding the customer it means that in the long-run you are going to lose.

3- What we do today and what we hope to do in the future. Your company focus has to be grounded in reality as well as in your aspirations. It’s not good enough to say that you are going to provide world class customer service if what you do now is quite poor. It has to be based on a mixture of what’s working for your company now and building on that while taking realistic steps.

When you have an understanding of these three elements things begin to change in your company and the magic begins to happen. You make policy decisions based upon this three point definition, you base your staff training upon these three elements, you even treat your customers with the understanding this definition gives you and your company will see a transformation.

At English Today Jakarta we have been training companies big and small to grow and nurture a culture of outstanding customer service. We know your company is unique and using your uniqueness we want to show you how your company can start making the magic work today. Ready for that road trip?