English for the Fashion Industry

English for the Fashion Industry is an ideal quick course for anyone who needs English to communicate with colleagues and contacts in the fashion business. This language course will help people working in the fashion industry improve their industry knowledge with job related vocabulary and topics.

This program covers various jobs within the fashion industry from pattern cutter to stylist. It follows each stage of a garment from design, through manufacture, to promotion and retail.

Each unit consists of a short quiz, which serves as an introduction to the unit. Exercises with essential vocabulary and terms, listening extracts, industry-related texts, as well as photos and illustrations help you acquire key vocabulary and expressions.

English for the Fashion Industry is taught by super experienced teachers

The great news for you as an English learner is that our teachers Ms. Mia and Ms. Fitri have considerable experience and knowledge of the fashion industry and what’s more, they are both considered to be teacher leaders within Jakarta’s English language teaching community. Not only will super experienced teachers train you, but they also have a comprehensive knowledge of your industry.

Picture this, you are communicating well with colleagues and customers, using the correct fashion industry specific terms and gaining the confidence of the people around you. Your English ability is no longer holding you back and you are moving forward in the fashion industry.

Contact English Today about English for the Fashion Industry

Call us today to arrange private or group lessons on (021) 7456296.

Check out our YouTube English Today Jakarta video channel.

English for the Fashion Industry