4 Urgent Reasons To Learn English

“Make it your goal to study English”, says Mr. Yudi, one of English Today’s experienced trainers, when asked, “Where should I start when learning English?”

Having an attainable purpose certainly sparks the motivation to commit and develop your expertise in English. And if you’re still wondering, these career-wise reasons below can change your thoughts from “Why should I learn English?” to “I need to learn English, NOW!”

  • 1) Language of the world:
    You can’t avoid it. English is widely used, in schools, universities, media, and all sorts of working environments. It will continue to be increasingly popular in the future, reaching further into business, politics, and diplomatic areas. It is the second language of approximately 300 million people and is predicted to stretch halfway around the world by 2050. Therefore, English proficiency is an absolutely essential asset that allows you to communicate, socialize, and create networks with foreigners.

  • 2) Cooperating across national and cultural boundaries:
    Globalizations create chances to stay competitive. With businesses continually expanding on a global scope, collaboration with foreign business partners will be highly demanded. To avoid miscommunication, you will be required to prepare yourself with multicultural competency and business English skills. Whether it be direct contact or virtual meetings; don’t let a language barrier harm your opportunity to communicate cross culturally.

  • 3) Business and Professional Growth
    Your future career development depends on your English language capabilities. The ability to speak business English accurately strengthens the relationship with your foreign partners, customers, suppliers, and clients. Companies are seeking to acquire international co-operations in which English is the common working language in business meetings, customer service, and marketing and communication. Enriching your English business skills will have a positive impact for your company’s success and reputation.

  • 4) More Access to Knowledge
    Business management subsequently adapts facing the globalization era. It’s no doubt that such dynamic changes will birth requirements for new skills and roles from the workforce, managers, and leadership. Knowing English will open doors of opportunities for your career development. Since more sources are provided in English (English content is number one online), it is easier for you to build up your potential, such as attending international conferences, conferencing and networking.

It’s the real world, arming yourself with business qualifications will get you ahead in your career.


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