Hi Gurukumr.d here, want to study English Online for free? How about getting paid to study English? You must think I am crazy! But no it is true.
Have you heard of Prakerja? It’s a government program designed to help you develop and improve essential skills for your working life. Everything you need to improve your chance to find a job or develop your career can be found right here in Prakerja. Take for example English; good confidence in the use of this international language will see your career opportunities increase dramatically. English language training through Prakerja has become very popular and it’s available to you right now with English Today!
So who can do this?
Anyone can. Prakerja is for you if you have just graduated from school or you are just someone looking to gain skills to support you in the future. It’s for anyone who cares about their career prospects.
So remember, Kartu Prakerja is for anyone over the age of 18 who:
Is looking for a job or may be looking for a job in the future
Who has a job and wants to upgrade their skills
What is Kartu Prakerja?
Kartu Prakerja provides skill training financial assistance to Indonesians who want to learn and improve their skills. The programs are offered on the Pintaria digital education marketplace.
Check it out:
What does Kartu Prakerja offer?
The government will pay for your training
The training will complement your formal education.
The training will support your employment opportunities.